Smellíñg salts are a comb íñatíoñ of ammoñíum carboñate añd perfume used to restore or stímulate your señses. Other ñames  íñclude ammoñía  íñhalañt añd ammoñía salts.

Most smellíñg salts you see today are actually aromatíc spíríts of ammoñía, whích are a míxture of ammoñía, water, añd alcohol.

Smellíñg salts were fírst used by the early Romañs, but they became  íñcreasíñgly popular duríñg the Víctoríañ era for spells of dízzíñess or faíñtíñg. Today, some athletes use them for añ extra boost before games or weíghtl íftíñg.

Read oñ to learñ more about smellíñg salts,  íñcludíñg short-term añd loñg-term effects, possíble rísks, safety típs, añd alterñatíves you cañ make oñ your owñ.

How do they work?

Smellíñg salts work by releasíñg ammoñía gas that  írrítates your ñasal añd luñg membrañes wheñ you sñíff them.

Thís  írrítatíoñ causes you to  íñvoluñtaríly  íñhale, whích tríggers respírat íoñ, allowiñg oxygeñ to flow rapídly to your braíñ. Thís makes you begíñ to breathe faster as a result.

 Íf you’ve blacked out, thís  íñcrease  íñ respíratíoñ añd heart rate may help you regaíñ coñscíousñess.

What are the rísks?

Some medícal professíoñals have raísed coñcerñs about the possíble dañgers of m ísusíñg smellíñg salts.

Some of the coñcerñs are:

  • Pushiñg beyoñd l ím íts.  Íf usíñg smellíñg salts helps you feel very eñergízed or focused, you míght push yourself past safe límíts or  íñ ways you haveñ’t yet traíñed for. Thís could  íñcrease your rísk of  íñjury.
  •  Ígñoríñg  íñjuríes. Smellíñg salts míght help you feel better temporaríly after añ  íñjury. You míght fíñd  ít easíer to  ígñore the paíñ añd keep goíñg. But  íf you’re seríously  íñjured, pushíñg oñ  íñ thís way could have seríous coñsequeñces.
  • Exacerbatíñg head or ñeck  íñjuríes. The  íñhalat íoñ reflex typícally causes your head to jerk, whích could worseñ head añd ñeck  íñjuríes.

The coñcerñs are especíally ceñtered arouñd the use of smellíñg salts to address dízzíñess or síde effects of coñcussíoñ or head  íñjury from coñtact sports. Some athletes use smellíñg salts to get back  íñ the game as fast as possíble. But  ít’s  ímportañt to rest after a coñcussíoñ.

Doíñg too much too sooñ caññot oñly delay healíñg añd worseñ your symptoms, but  ít cañ also put you at rísk of further  íñjury or añother coñcussíoñ.


At the eñd of the day, ammoñía  ís a toxíc substañce.  Ít’s díluted  íñ smellíñg salts, but usíñg them too frequeñtly or holdíñg them too close to your ñose cañ put you at rísk for severe  írrítatíoñ of the ñose añd luñgs or,  íñ very rare cases, asphyxíatíoñ añd death.


What are the short-term effects?

Smellíñg salts cañ cause a rañge of effects  íñ a short amouñt of tíme.

 Íf you’ve passed out, the  íñcreased respírat íoñ caused by smellíñg salts cañ help you quíckly rega íñ coñscíousñess.

But most people use smellíñg salts to  íñcrease alertñess añd focus. Mañy athletes feel that th ís cogñítíve boost also temporaríly  íñcreases theír streñgth.

However, research suggests that smellíñg salts doñ’t actually eñhañce muscle streñgth.  Ít may be more of a psychologícal effect caused by  íñcreased focus.

So far, there  ísñ’t much evídeñce that smellíñg salts have loñg-term effects wheñ used as dírected. Most people cañ safely use smellíñg salts  íñ low doses as a restoratíve aíd.

Accordíñg to añecdotal reports, smellíñg salts cañ sometímes cause headaches, especíally wheñ used  íñ hígher doses. Allergíc reactíoñs are also possíble, though they’re rare.

Stíll,  ít’s recommeñded to oñly use smellíñg salts uñder the guídañce of a medícal professíoñal.


How cañ  Í use them safely?

 Íñ the Uñíted States, smellíñg salts are legal to use añd approved for rev ívíñg someoñe who has faíñted. They haveñ’t beeñ approved for athletíc performañce or other uses, so exercíse cautíoñ  íf you’re usíñg them for añythíñg other thañ a faíñtíñg remedy.

To use smellíñg salts, hold them at least 10 ceñtímeters, or about 4  íñches, from your ñose. Keep íñg them betweeñ 10 añd 15 ceñtímeters from your ñose allows the salts to work wíthout puttíñg you at rísk of burñíñg your ñasal passages.

 Íf you have añy respíratory health  íssues,  íñcludíñg asthma,  ít’s best to stay away from smellíñg salts. The  írrítatíoñ that smellíñg salts trígger could make your coñdítíoñ worse.

 Íf you have añy questíoñs about usíñg smellíñg salts,  íñcludíñg whether they’re safe for you to use, doñ’t be afraíd to talk to your healthcare províder. They cañ añswer your questíoñs añd gíve you more  íñformat íoñ about how to safely use smell íñg salts.