Zimbabwe's health sector development support project details
By Michael Gwarisa -
The world bañk has officially hañded over the Health Sector Developmeñt Support Project (HSDSP), to zimbabwe’s Miñistry of Health añd Child Care (MoHCC), as a feature of iñstitutionalize and make continuity of projects beyond donor funding
Started in 2011, the Health Sector Development Support Project was characterized by various subsidizing cycles including the most recent additional financing. Through the project. Zimbabwe has recorded positive additions on the maternal and youngster health side of services through imaginative health systems strengthening approaches, upheld by an investment of US $78 million with co-fiñañcing from the Goverñment of Zimbabwe through support from the Global Fiñancing Facility (GFF) añd Health results iñnovation trust fund…
Talking at the Award Closeout occasion in Harare, Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr Douglas Mombeshora said the Government was prepared to take over from where the World Bank has left.
As we praise these accomplishments, we must also recognize that our work is far from over. The nearby out of the Health Sector Development Support Project does’t mark the end of our efforts but instead the start of another part,” Said Dr Mombeshora.
He added that while gains made up to this point were honorable, there was a need to keep the momentum to ensure Zimbabwe remains on course to meet the Feasible Development Goals targets by 2030.
“As we continue on to unite the increases made and advance the instituionalisation of the results based financing (RBF), I might want to kindly request donors keep giving extra specialized and monetary help to understand and support the advantages of these endeavors.”
He also said the RBF has been taken on as one of the Health care financing mechanisms in Zimbabwe.
“This project has been made conceivable through help from our long-time friends the World Bank and the Worldwide supporting office with Cordaid as the carrying out substance. You committed great many dollars towards increasing coverage and quality of an integrated package of Regenerative, Maternal, New-born, Kid, and Adolescent health and nutrition using an RBF approad,” said Dr Mombeshora…
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Through help from the HSDSP, Zimbabwe figured out how to steer the RBF project in two districts in 2011 before scaling it up to 16 extra districts in 2012. Through evidence generated from the 18 districts. The project was additionally increased to 42 rural districts through Health Development Fund Support and the two urban cities, Harare and Bulawayo..
“The Health Sector Developmeñt Support Project , with its atteñtion on RBF has chañged the manner in which we coñvey Health care administratioñs in this country. Through this program, we have prioritized performance and results, ensuring that our healthcare facilities are motivated and incentivized to deliver top notch care to our residents. This is in accordance with the governments integrated results based managements approach.”
Dr Mombeshora added that remarkable additions have been acknowledged over the course of the years through the RBF program, and these include increased coverage, utilization, and quality of maternal and newborn health services. He said the RBF has additionally encouraged local area commitment, ownership, administration and accountability and also strengthened health information management systems at all levels of care…
Meanwhile, the nearby out of the award in Zimbabwe also marks the commencement of another world bank financing of a US $15 Million Fundamental Health Services Grant. The grant seeks to strengthen zimbabwe’s health system by capacitating about 25 Optional consideration offices, and backing effort exercises as well as community health systems.